
Enjoy a beautiful smile at every age

Modern prosthodontics allows you to restore the functionality and perfect appearance of lost or damaged teeth.

Prosthetic treatment enables reconstruction of both single missing teeth and the entire dentition with the use of veneers, crowns, bridges or dentures. Thanks to modern technology, they do not differ visually from the patient’s natural teeth, thus giving them complete freedom.

How does prosthetic treatment affect the patients' everyday life?

It improves their well-being and comfort in many aspects.

Aesthetic appearance

Missing teeth affect the smile as well as the shape of the whole face. Thanks to prosthodontics you can maintain an aesthetic appearance even if you lose all teeth.

Chewing and speaking comfort

Prosthetic fillings restore the ability and comfort of chewing, replacing natural teeth. They enable proper functioning of the muscles in the oral cavity.

Lower risk of diseases

Missing teeth can lead to periodontal disease or malocclusion, which cause pain. In addition, they disrupt proper biting and breathing, which leads to diseases of these systems. Prosthodontics helps prevent these problems.

Prosthodontics fit for the 21st century

Thanks to modern prosthodontics, no one has to compromise on the functionality or aesthetics of their teeth.

At DenticaCenter, we use the capabilities of advanced technologies, such as ICX, to ensure the highest precision and predictability of the treatment. Thanks to the use of CAD/CAM technology, we can shorten the time of treatment to a minimum while maintaining high efficiency. We also recommend scanning the dental arches with an intraoral 3D scanner, in order to obtain their perfect reproduction through prosthetic treatment in the event of tooth loss.

When reconstructing the teeth, we focus on two aspects: perfect aesthetics and functionality, which is why prosthetic works are made in a trusted laboratory using the highest quality, durable materials. Each crown is individually designed (from shape to colour), so that the filling does not differ from natural teeth.

Types of prosthetic fillings:


They are thin, porcelain prosthetic flakes which are glued to the enamel surface. They are usually used to improve the aesthetics of a smile - the colour or shape of the teeth. Veneers are characterised by high durability and resistance to abrasion - once properly applied, they can last up to a dozen years. They offer great opportunities to visually improve your smile.


A crown is a perfect reconstruction of a natural tooth - in terms of shape, function, and colour. It is placed on an implant or tooth that it is supposed to represent. Crowns are used in the case of high loss of the tooth crown or its significant damage (e.g. mechanical or due to caries). The crown offers great possibilities of aesthetic improvement of the smile.


A bridge is a permanent multi-tooth restoration - usually used in the event of the loss of several adjacent teeth (maximum 3). It consists of a retainer and interconnected crowns. The whole bridge replaces lost teeth visually and functionally (chewing).


Removable prostheses are prosthetic restorations that are used when all or most of the teeth are missing. Visually, they represent natural teeth very well, their functionality and comfort of use are slightly worse. Implants are an alternative to removable dentures.

Our prosthodontists

At DenticaCenter, we provide comprehensive dental care for children, adults, and seniors.

dentist Anna Stuchly

LEAD Doctor


MD, PhD Marta Katarzyńska-Konwa

LEAD Doctor
Specialist in conservative dentistry, endodontics and cosmetic dentistry


dentist Agnieszka Kaczorowska (Forajter)

LEAD Doctor


Price list

Prosthetic crownsfrom PLN 1600
Veneersfrom PLN 1600
Denturespriced individually
Combination treatment with precision elements and works on implantspriced individually

Give yourself the comfort of a full and beautiful smile!

Book a consultation.

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